Friday, 16 November 2012

What Factors Contribute To That Perfect Web Presence?

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SEO Company India | SEO India
The perfect website is yet to be built, but what makes a good or a bad one? There are so many different features that can combine to make a great website but, if used incorrectly, the results will be less than satisfactory.
Of course, many features of what is considered to be good are purely an opinion based on appearance, graphics and ease of use. Tastes vary from person to person, so what one person finds appealing, another will find repellent. On the other hand, if we all liked the same thing, life would be very dull indeed. Don’t forget, appearance is only one facet of what makes a good website, although a visually pleasing site will always attract more attention than one that is not so pleasing.
There is one thing you should ask yourself before you even start building a website: what is its purpose? What do you want to gain from your website? Once you have answered these questions, you can set your objectives and decide hot to give your site’s visitors what they want. This is where you will need to think about the content. Remember to keep your content current and ensure it is pertinent to your business. There is no point in talking about shoe design if you sell dog food.
The appearance and color scheme are key to encouraging visitors to remain on the site. Apparently, there is a psychology to color and a good website designer can use and combine color to really make a statement about your business. A good designer will ensure the color and design are not too complex and that the design used reflects your business services or products.
One of the primary criteria for a good website is ease of use. It should be easy to navigate around the site and no more than four clicks should be made to go to a particular page. As a general rule, two clicks or less should take you to any page on the site. If the navigation is complicated, visitors will get frustrated and leave quickly.
The core structure is not seen but is the foundation and is crucial to creating a good website. The base programming and coding will build the foundations of your site and this needs to be done correctly for the site to work properly. A well constructed website should be accessible from all browsers and varying screen sizes and should work with different operating systems including those powering mobile devices. You may lose large numbers of potential customers if your website is not compatible with the most popular systems. The mobile market is increasing rapidly so if you are not already geared for it, you could be missing out in a big way.
Make sure your ISP has outstanding uptime and is capable of fast transfer speeds. Remember, people will not wait if your site does not load quickly – would you? Competition is fierce, so you really need to make the most of whatever advantage you can to stay ahead of your rivals.

10 Tips for a Spider Friendly Site

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SEO Company India
What exactly is a spider? Electronic spiders, also known as bots or crawlers, are how the search engines find your site. These spiders are sent out on a mission to find information on the millions of websites that exist. They crawl through the Web making lists of words found on websites. These words are the key to people finding the information for which they search.
The spiders will begin crawling through the most popular of websites. They will then begin building their list of keywords and will extend their search by following every link on each site. If there is a link to your site anywhere on the Web, the spiders will find it.
Each search engine will have its own rules and standards but the process is basically the same. The spiders, however, can only read textual content and cannot click buttons or use drop down menus. They have limited power and capabilities.
Once the spiders retrieve the information, it is collected in a database which is how the search engines determine your ranking. This information is what people find when they use keywords to search for websites.
So with this in mind, you want your site to be spider-friendly so they visit you often. There are things you can do to invite the spiders to visit your site.
What the Spiders Like:
1. Robots.txt File – The first thing the spiders will do is look for a robots.txt file. This file will let them know which pages of your site they need not bother with. All sites should have this file even if it is blank because it is the first thing the spiders look for. Not only does the robots.txt file let the spiders know what not to look for, it is like an invitation for them to come into your site.
2. Head Section - Once the spiders find the robots.txt file, they will move onto the head section of your website. Here they will look at your title, meta tags, and keywords. Be sure your title includes descriptive keywords and is not too long. If you want your entire title read keep it at 60 to 70 characters. Your meta tag description will let the spiders know what your site is about. Make it clear, descriptive and keyword rich. This is what will usually show up in the search engines when people do a search. When listing keywords, be sure that these words will also be in your site content. Do your keyword research to find out the best words to use for your site subject.
3. Website Content – Next on the spiders journey is your website content. Be sure to add fresh content to your site regularly. Several times a week would help encourage the spiders to visit often. Within your content, you need to have the keywords that are listed in your head section. This is what the spiders will be looking for. They will also look for and follow links within your content.
4. Site Map - Having a site map on your site will enable the spiders to easily navigate through your site and index more of your pages. Your site map should contain only text links to all your pages.
5. Backlinks – Backlinks or inbound links are very important because they elevate the importance of your site in the eyes of the spiders. The number of quality backlinks to your site is greatly considered when ranking your site. You want backlinks from sites that are relevant to your site and have good rankings as well. If you participate in reciprocal linking where you place a website’s link on your site so they place your link on their site, be careful to only link to quality, relevant sites. Linking to sites just to get more inbound links can hurt your rankings more than help.
What the Spiders Do Not Like:
1. Javascript Navigation – Javascript might be a great idea for the design of your website but unfortunately it is invisible to the spiders. If your links are invisible to the spiders, they will be unable to crawl your site and index your pages thus hurting your ranking. To remedy this, either do not use the javascript navigation or add text links somewhere on your page.
2. Doorway Pages – Doorway pages are standalone web pages visible only to the search engine spiders. Doorway pages are useless and irrelevant to human visitors. Because of this, the search engines consider them to be manipulative and could get your site penalized or banned.
3. Frames – I am with the spiders on this one and will immediately leave any site that is built with frames. They are hard to navigate and hard to read for both humans and spiders. The spiders will only be able to navigate your homepage and will not be able to properly index your site. There are ways around this but the best thing, if possible, is to not use frames at all.
4. Images – Images are very important on a website but unfortunately the spiders cannot read images or the text within the image. Not using images could be very damaging to our sites so when you do use images, be sure to add ALT tags. ALT tags are a way of adding text to an image so the spiders can read what the images are about.
5. Flash – Flash can make a website very dynamic and innovative but again the spiders cannot read or understand it so your site will not be indexed as it needs to be. Using some flash on your otherwise html-based site could be considered ok but if your entire site is built using flash, don’t count on any traffic from the search engines.
See your site as the spiders see it by using a free search engine spider simulator. Just enter your URL and see what the spiders see. You, of course, want to make your site pleasing and easy to use for your visitors, but remember it is also important to make the spiders happy which in the long run will increase your ranking and make you happy.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The Effect of Google Algorithm Updates on Article Marketing

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In spite of recent Google algorithms or updates, writing articles is alive and kicking. Article marketing will survive no matter how many critics decry it and even the maligned Google Disavow Links tool can be used positively to improve your rankings.
I use very little other than article marketing to promote my websites, yet they figure prominently in the Google rankings and provide me with a fair amount of traffic. By now, most people should understand that Panda deals with poor and spammy backlink sources and Penguin is all about multiple linking sources, anchor text and keyword spamming within Web content.
The Disavow Links Tool
The Disavow Links tool is new, but looks pretty innocuous, even though it could, conceivably, be used by your competitors to ruin your backlink sources – until these sources find a way to bite back that is. Its function is to allow you to inform Google of the backlinks to your websites or blogs you want ignored and skipped by the indexing and ranking algorithm. You will lose any Google PageRank
points from disavowed links but, once disavowed, they cannot do you harm.
Google still gives good relevance and scoring backlinks to articles accepted by free article directories such as Ezine Articles and Go Articles. There is a tendency for paid directories to be more liberal in the quality of articles they publish, but the majority still applies a good degree of editorial qualification.
Google Penguin Update
Where the Google Penguin update has been particularly active is in down-listing, or even dropping, web pages receiving significant backlinks from poorly written articles. (I originally mistyped that as ‘poopy’ but that would not be far off the mark!). It is important to have backlinks from web pages, such as article directories or other websites, that are of good quality and offer good information.
The days are gone when you could go to an online freelance site and pay $2 for a 500-word article written by someone whose native language is not English and get it listed by Google. Such writers are no doubt the tops in their own countries, but Google has finally clamped down on poorly written content, with errors in grammar and sentence construction. Penguin has seen to that, while Panda ferreted out links from sites that accept any old standard of content.

Article Directories and Google Panda

Ezine Articles, Go Articles, Article Rich – in fact most article directories – are acceptable. If you are not sure, check out a few articles written on your niche that a particular directory has published and check its grammar and its accuracy. The same is true for PDF directories and some minor social networking sites.
That’s Panda. Penguin settles for targeting multiple anchor tests, links to the same page on your website and a lack of variety in the type of sources for your backlinks. Panda targets publication quality, Penguin links quality. The Disavow Tool is for you to remove links from bad sites that might adversely affect your listings.
Fundamentally, article marketing still works well, and writing articles is still a great way to promote your websites and products. However, make sure you know what you are doing and write high quality articles. Google algorithms are mathematical statistical formulae and cannot hear your explanations for your failings.

Best Offers To Make In E-mail Marketing

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E-mail marketing is incredibly effective, but the market is saturated. Without an almost life-changing subject heading, your meticulously-planned e-mail advertising campaign for your business will never be opened.
So, how do you get our potential customers to open the e-mail that tells them how your product or service can help improve their lives?
Offer a taste of it to them in the subject heading and prove it to them in the e-mail. It is really that simple. It really is that easy.
As long as you really do have a product or service that can help your customers, offering it to them using the right words to keep it clear and simple, with a catchy phrase guarantees they will take you up on your offer.
From that offer, you can establish a relationship and start to build some business if you include the three ingredients we listed below. The classic example of a perfect offer that is widely used in marketing circles (and spoken of in hushed terms): Dominoes Pizza offers to deliver your pizza in ’30 minutes or the pizza is free.’
Using this example, we can break down the perfect offer into three manageable bits:
1. Your credibility
The offer should reinforce your brand and encourage the potential customer to trust you enough to buy from you.
2. Something for nothing
The potential customer needs to feel like it is a good deal for them. They need to feel like they will be missing out if they don’t sign up and it needs to be easy for them to sign on the dotted line. You need to provide the metaphorical pen and paper to be ready as soon as they see the offer.
3. The soundbite
You need something that gets their attention – that makes them remember you over your competitors.
Let’s think about ‘Pizza delivered 30 minutes or Free’ as the perfect offer.

1. Credibility
– Dominoes offers to deliver pizza in 30 minutes or less. The cost is low enough for the customer to take a chance and order, giving Dominoes a chance to make good on its claim.

2. Something for nothing
- The customer is hungry and he is guaranteed to be fed in 30 minutes. If he has to wait longer, he gets a free pizza. Everyone loves something for free.
3. Soundbite – It is memorable, there’s a challenge or race against the clock and the word free is involved. Best of all, it is only six words long.
If your business has an offer, don’t sell it short, offer it. Simply check the three criteria above before sending it.
Offering customers a discounted isn’t really your best offer, however. It is cost cutting. Offering customers a benefit through a product also isn’t a great offer because they have to buy the product first. You might also be tempted to explain why your company is so great, what your USP is, why you can deliver better than the competition, but that is not your best offer either.
Your offer must be something the customer wants, something you can give to them and something it is easy for the customer to take. After that, they will trust you and maybe buy from you.
Don’t explain why you are the only one on the market that can really deliver hot, fresh pizza very quickly, that you deserve the business because you are an up-and-coming grassroots community project. Instead give them the offer: ‘Pizza delivered in 30 minutes or it’s free’

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Top 5 Link Building Strategies For Best SEO

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SEO India
Link building is a great tactic for increasing your website’s rankings in search. Adding links to popular or authoritative sites that point back to you is a great way to gain positive attention from Google and other search engines.
This can result in new visitors, increased Web authority, and higher search engine rankings. In addition to standard online marketing practices, such as quality content, good web design and engagement, link building can be instrumental in making your website a success.
There are hundreds of strategies for link building, but try these five tried-and-true methods for getting your website the attention and traffic it deserves.
Internal Links
The easiest way to build links to your site is to simply point links back to your site in your in-house blog posts. This can help direct your readers to related/archived posts and a wider-range of information about that particular topic. Not only does this bring archived articles to the forefront, it helps Google bots get a better idea of what your site is all about. Make sure the links look seamless and natural, not awkward and don’t add too many links per post.
Guest Blogging
Increase your authority by fostering relationships with other blogs and sites. Guest posting on authoritative sites that link back to your website also makes you look authoritative.
Offer to trade guest-posting privileges with other blogs to increase both your online profiles.
You can forge connections with other blogs by commenting on their posts. This is an easy way to create back links to your site. Leaving thoughtful or interesting comments can also invite new readers to your view your website or blog.
Social Media
Set up online profiles at popular social media sites and keep them populated with links to your website as well as relevant or interesting content. And don’t forget to post links to your site on other pages within your personal social networks.
Posting your website’s profile in online directories can help new readers find you, but be picky about which directories you use. Some can come across as looking like spam.
• Be sure to post in your blog’s appropriate niche. A site about motorcycles does not belong in a home furnishings directory.
• Post in directories that have a high page rank and good reviews.
Link building is a great strategy for increasing your rank in search engines, gaining a wider audience of fans and increasing your authority on the Web. Creating back links successfully is an ongoing process that should be approached strategically. While there are hundreds of ways to create these, the five strategies outlined above, in conjunction with other SEO tactics, can greatly benefit your online presence.

How to Stand Out When Blogging in a Congested Niche

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SEO Company India
There are many hurdles to blogging in a congested niche. Sure, it would be a lot easier to write in a niche that is not jam-packed with bloggers, but the situation can be an opportunity instead of an obstacle.
With many bloggers in your niche, you can attract search traffic by link building – where your articles and blog posts are featured in other blogs that link directly to your site. You can also venture into guest posting, which is a very good way of constructing your profile and inactively marketing your blog by writing for other blog sites.
There is a Good Chance Traffic is Increased in Crowded Niches
Niches that contain so many blogs have a great potential for having incredibly high traffic since a lot of readers are searching for content unique to your category. This can be an opportunity for your blog to be featured in search engines – just don’t forget to use appropriate keywording techniques.
Display your Originality
While there may be many blog topics that are similar to yours, exude originality in your writing – this plays a large role in attracting readers and keeping them interested long-term. When you’ve established your writing style as a blogger and people like it, they will look for more content from you – even if there are other, similar blogs – simply because it’s written by you.
Commit to Posting Regularly to Your Blogs
This is an important rule to follow if you want to stand out in a crowded niche. Since many bloggers will be regularly updating their blogs, you must do the same. When you leave your blog vacant for weeks and months without new fresh content, chances are, people will un-bookmark your site from their desktops and forget you. What’s the use of waiting for new content from you when there are others who are religiously updating their blogs?
Writing for blogs may be easy if you have sufficient ideas for new posts, but gaining a spot in a certain niche, especially a crowded one, is a challenge. It’s not impossible, however.
If you are serious about promoting your blog, you need to learn how to adapt to a crowded niche environment; otherwise, you’ll simply fade away into the background.