What is Twitter Cards?
Twitter Cards are a twitter tool by which you can add additional content, media as images & videos, Products information, calls to action and more. There are mostly 8 Types of Twitter Cards as below:
1) The Summary Card : In there, you an add any site hyperlink or news post URL for going to read full news content.
2) The Photo Card : You can add a photo in tweet related from your tweet post.
#3: The Gallery Card
It is same like Image or photo. You can have here up to four photos in your tweet.
#4: The App Card
If you want share any application with your tweet, then you can app card.
#5: The Player Card
If you want to add your business video or audio, then add it with your teeth and it is shown in below tweet.
#6: The Product Card
By this tool, you can add your business products title, description or thumbnail image with tweet post.
#7: The Lead Generation Card
By this tool, you can share lead generation card. it shows for follwer members and also then can subscribe thereby put emails any twitter user.
#8: The Website Card
This is used to drive traffic directly for your website home page or any inner pages.
These twitter cards are visible in tweet post when you add these cards codes in your website header part except lead generation and website cards. then can increase your website traffic and business lead.