Wednesday, 18 April 2012

How to Advertise Online - 3 Steps to Posting a Great Online Classified Ad

Learning how to advertise online using online classified sites is actually not difficult. However, many people don't seem to get visitors to click through to their ads no matter how hard they try.
The truth is, knowing how to advertise online by posting online classified ads can bring great results when you follow a proven method of posting your ad.
And here are the 3 steps that have always helped me to post a killer ad.

Step 1 - Know What You Want to Advertise
It's ridiculous but true. There are people who want to learn how to advertise online, but they don't even know what they want to sell or offer once they know the ropes to posting ads on online classifieds.
Don't let that happen to you. If you really want your posted classified ads to do well, then you'll need to know what you want to advertise or offer first.
Think about it. If you don't know exactly what you want to offer or sell, you'll never even be able to write a proper ad to get customers to spend money to get your products or services, even if you get good click through rates.
So get this step right first before going on.

Step 2 - Put Yourself in Your Customer's Shoes
This step enables to you know the inner most needs of your customers, so that you'll be able to address their needs in your ad and attract them to take up your offer and service.
Do not rush this. That's part and parcel of learning how to advertise online. You'll need to know your customers in order to do that.
Take the time to really think about what you customers need, and jot that down. Then use those points to craft your ad.

Step 3 - Craft Your Ad With Simple English
Yes, it's time to craft your ad, and here's another thing you need to know to learn how to advertise online... use simple English.
One of the most major mistakes that people make when they post online ads is that they use bombastic language to word their ad, thinking that makes them sound important and professional enough to attract visitors.
However, nothing could be further from the truth.
It's true you need to sound professional, but that doesn't mean you need to use bombastic language.
Word your ad with simple English, and you'll be surprised that people will still take you up on your offer.
So if you have been having difficulties getting your online classified ads to convert, try the steps above. You'll be surprised by the improvement once you start using the steps above that teach you how to advertise online.

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QR Codes for Marketing

internet marketing
QR stands for "quick response". A QR code is a trackable 2D matrix barcode that can be read by camera equipped Smartphones with the use of a simple QR app reader which can be downloaded for free. The QR reader decodes the code and the mobile user is instantly sent to a website, landing page, video, or social networking page.
QR codes allow mobile users to interact with their environment 24/7. A QR code can be placed just about anywhere, from printed advertisements in newspapers, to yard signs, business cards, t-shirts, or point of sale displays, just to name a few.
QR codes were invented by a Toyota subsidiary in Japan as a tracking device for the car manufacturing industry. While they have been popular in Japan for several years they have finally made their way to the US where they are now becoming more familiar and more popular. Large as well as small businesses are beginning to use these codes to engage mobile users.
Today Smartphones are driving mobile use so using QR codes in your marketing plan is a smart idea. It offers businesses the opportunity to instantly connect with millions of mobile users. The code insures instant access to the marketing message of the business owner's choice. With these advanced barcodes a business can promote unique product features, allow customers to make online purchases quickly at any time of day or night, gather useful consumer data, strengthen b2c relationships, provide exclusive offers, or even notify consumers of time-sensitive information.
A QR code is easy to create. It can link back to any webpage you want it to by converting a standard URL into a square-shaped code. Once the code has been created the image file can be downloaded and attached to emails, Facebook profiles, or printed on just about anything.
Some considerations to make when creating a QR code include:
  • The code needs to be big enough for a user to see it, at least 1" x 1" in size.
  • The landing page of the code needs to be mobile-friendly so the user can read the site content.
  • Preferred channels for reaching your target audience need to be researched.
  • Code testing needs to be performed before launching a campaign or distributing the code.
QR codes are easy to create and easy to use, they are fun and different and offer extra lines of communication between customers and companies. With more Americans actively using their cell phones and more of those phones become Smartphones people will be interested in trying out this new internet marketing idea.

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