Thursday, 1 August 2013

10 Reasons Why You Need a Mobile Marketing Strategy

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Now that 80% of the world’s population own a mobile phone and four out of five consumers shop using their smartphone, jumping on the mobile marketing bandwagon sooner rather than later is a strategy webmasters cannot ignore. Mobile marketing is not just trundling along – it’s going at breakneck speeds and is only going to get faster!
Mobile Marketing is the Future
With the way mobile technology is advancing, consumers will become more reliant on their handheld devices to do their shopping. Indeed, mobile marketing is the fastest growing industry EVER! According to Monetate Ecommerce quarterly, the growth of consumers using their mobiles to shop is steadily growing each quarter and has almost doubled from Q1 in 2012 to Q1 in 2013. Analysts estimate that mobile marketing will outstrip fixed internet access next year.
The simple fact of the matter is that the world is going SoLoMo – consumers are shopping socially, searching locally and using mobile devices to do it. Larry Page, chief executive of Google, said: “With more devices, more information, and more activity online than ever, the potential to improve people’s lives even more is immense.”
Only 17% of Online Businesses can Effectively be Viewed on a Mobile Device
Given the statistics above, it may surprise you to find that only 17% of websites actually work properly on a handheld device. There is definitely room for improvement. At the moment consumers are being patient, but once more website owners get on-board with mobile marketing, consumers will not tolerate websites they have to scroll through to see. Make sure you are one of the first to get on-board. Mobile marketing is an emerging market and to take advantage you have to get in there early.
40% of Shoppers Consult Three or More Review Sites Before Making a Purchase
The internet has taken word-of-mouth marketing to another level. The ability to leave reviews enables consumers to go online and find out what other people are saying about a particular product. However, they do not settle for one site as one voice cannot be trusted so register your products and business with several consumer promotion sites. This type of behavior puts the emphasis for quality on manufacturers which in turn helps small businesses sell merchandise.
4 out of 5 Consumers use Smartphones to Shop
Access to the internet is very convenient for smartphone users and they are using their handhelds to check out prices and reviews of certain products while they are in your shop. You can use this to your advantage by offering discount coupons for customers to download straight to their mobile and use in your shop.
40% of Searches have Local Intent
A couple of years ago, Google identified that the larger percentage of searches were local. The same pattern is emerging using handheld technology and as mobile marketing continues to grow, this figure will grow with it. If you own a local business on high-street, it is imperative to make your website stand out on portable handsets.
Mobile Marketing is Predicted to Overtake Desktop Internet Usage
According to the digital analytics firm Comscore, there will be more people surfing the net on portable devices next year than there will be using desktop computers. The stats show that mobile use is growing 14 times faster than desktop devices. The increase is largely thanks to 3G and 4G technology becoming more widespread on smartphones and tablets – especially in emerging mobile phone markets such as China and India.
Young People use Their Phones More Than Their Mouths
Young people don’t talk anymore – they chat. Okay, that’s not strictly true, but they do use their mobile phones to communicate and share online content. A recent survey showed that 61% of young people refer to social media sites to decide where to go and what to buy. The same survey showed that 78% of small businesses attract around a quarter of their new customers through social media networking and nearly all teenagers that own a mobile phone use Facebook.
70% of Mobile Searches lead to Online Action within an Hour
Given that mobile users are on the go while they are browsing for bargains, it makes sense that conversion rates are a lot faster than someone searching on a laptop. That’s because people searching on desktop computers are usually at home and have time to ponder their purchase options and continue their searches. Mobile shoppers are ready to spend and will buy on impulse.
Mobile Communication helps Your Employees reach Your Customers More Easily
Moving away from consumers finding you – how about you finding consumers! A study conducted by SAP found that small to medium-sized businesses that implement mobile technologies can reach their customers more easily and enables employees to work from home or on the road – thus increasing productivity. Let’s not get into the telecommuting argument here, but managed correctly, if you equip your employees with smartphones, tablets or phablets, you can increase productivity and find an easier route to your customers.
Smartphones are More Convenient than Laptops
It goes without saying that you can’t carry a laptop with you everywhere you go. Smartphones on the other hand slip easily into a pocket or handbag and people carry them all the time. Thus, it makes sense that there is a greater likelihood that people will use their smartphones to look for information on the internet. Nightlife venues and restaurants benefit from this immensely. Some restaurants have reported a 90% conversion rate from people using their mobiles to look for a place to eat.
The case for mobile marketing is compelling given the attractive statistics – and the good news is it will only get better. However, with the industry growing at such a fast pace, it is imperative that enterprises, especially web owners with high street stores, make their businesses visible on portable devices. Mobile marketing is more likely to provide the key to online success moving forward if you employ strategies that make mobile users act on impulse.

1 comment:

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