Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Transforming the Faceless Web with Google Authorship Tools

Google authorship
By Seowebmount
The World Wide Web (www) up to this point can be accurately described as faceless. Websites are loaded with rich content like photographs, videos and audio clips, but until you click on a search engine result and open a website, the entire Internet is just a collection of links.
Google prides itself on its exceedingly simple interface, which is very easy to use and does not offer any kind of distractions to the users. Google started as a search engine and, in spite of the many successful and failed ventures that the company has attempted after that, search is still the biggest source of revenue for the company, and the very heart of its business model. Google regularly updates its search engine algorithms to make searches more useful for the user. The latest update, called Hummingbird, indicates Google is now moving toward curating websites in such a way that they are of greater benefit to their users.
For the past few months, many people have noticed that Google often returns search results that have a photo of the person who wrote the article. CEO Larry Page clarified this and made an announcement that Google was going to give higher rankings to websites that were maintained by people whose identity was verifiable. Google+, the social network made by Google, is used for identification verification purposes and anyone who links their websites to their Google+ profile can not only benefit from better search engine rankings, but also promote themselves along with their articles. The small search result displays a head shot of the writer, his or her Google+ stats and the excerpts of the article, thereby providing the user with a fair idea of what the content will be like and how popular a writer is.
The need for establishing Google+ authorship
Now that Google is tying websites to authors’ identities, popular sites are being forced to adapt. Google+ does not allow fake profiles or pseudonyms, and mandates that people can only sign up with their real name. A number of famous anonymous bloggers had previously shunned the platform because of these rules, and once again by tying identities to websites, Google risks angering these influential personalities. In order to appease anonymous Internet users, Google also offers authorship using Twitter and Facebook profiles, which can be used anonymously. However those who have no problem revealing their identities can simply connect their websites with their Google+ profiles to immediately start getting higher rankings.
How to Setup Google Authorship
The simplest way to sign up for Google Authorship is using your Google+ profile. You can register your website by going to https://plus.google.com/authorship and providing them with an e-mail ID that is hosted on your website. Once you have verified your e-mail address, authorship verification on Google+ is complete. After you have established your identity on Google+ and verified that you regularly write for a website, there are some changes that you must make on your website. Always include a byline name in your articles and ensure that the name you use on the website is the same as the one you have on Google+.
If for some reason you do not have an e-mail ID on the website that you write for, you can set up Google Authorship by directly linking your articles to your Google+ profile, and indicating on your Google+ profile that you contribute to the website.
Advantages of using Google Authorship of tools
The biggest and most apparent advantage of using Google Authorship tools is that your website will start getting higher ranking compared to websites that have not yet adopted this new system. There are also several indirect and long-term advantages of Google Authorship. The number of spam and fraudulent websites will dip as Google identifies them and is able to nip them in the bud. Writers will also be able to create a more personal connection with their readers and build a relationship with them. The verifiability of writers will also increase their accountability and websites will be forced to improve the quality of the content that it hosts. In the end, Google Authorship will benefit the user in more ways than one. It will curb spam, improve quality of search results and start returning more personalized results, thereby improving the overall Internet browsing experience.
resource: http://www.sitepronews.com/2014/01/21/transforming-faceless-web-google-authorship-tools/

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