Monday, 25 March 2013

WSO Of the Day warrior special offer

WSO of the day

WSO Of The Day what is it?

WSO's are warrioforum special offers. Special offers geared and tailored for Internet marketers and search engine optimization enthusiasts. If you haven't heard of WSO of the day then in a nutshell it is a Warriorforum Special offer that gets chosen each day by WarriorPlus owner Mike lantz.
The warriorforum is a trusted Internet marketing forum used by thousands of active Internet marketers hungry to earn money. It should be noted that it is one of the highest authority forums in its niche. New techniques are brought to the community by talented members that list their products for sale in the Warrior special Offer (WSO) section.
Each day new products are listed as a WSO. Products such as linkbuilding software, list building techniques, techniques to help you earn money and much more.
The warrioforum has a huge marketplace and with all huge market places come opportunity. Well-known Internet Marketer Mike Lantz saw the opportunity and need for an affiliate programme. A programme that would allow fellow warrioforum members to help each other promote their WSO's. A programme that allowed affiliate commission splitting and tracking. It is now very popular and has sold Millions through its system making many rich.

WSO of the Day, How its Chosen

There are many WSO's each and every day. In order to get WSO of the day then its important you use the warrioplus system to setup your WSO listing. So what the title actually says (WSO of the day) then in fact it should be warriorplus listing of the day – In addition to this the WSO of the day is picked by the owner Mike Lantz. It is our understanding that the WSO of the day is in-fact picked based on visitor conversions. Conversions such as average sale and $ per a hop.
It should be noted that enough statistics for the WSO listing is a must in order to get chosen as WSO of the day. So at least 100 sales with good conversion and upwards of $1.40 per a hop.

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